Corporate information

Corporate information about the Local Government Inspectorate.

Our people

The Inspectorate had 10 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions filled as at 30 June 2021. We also employed 2 contractors for part of this period and had 2 FTE positions vacant.

Challenges and opportunities

As experienced in 2019–20, resource constraints continued to prove challenging in 2020–21, however the Inspectorate has endeavoured to identify and recruit suitable staff and provide training to upskill and retain current staff.

The further proposed reforms to the local government legislative framework will expand the role of the CMI and create new responsibilities particularly in the collation and publication of councillor candidate election donations. The progress and timing of the legislative reform have bearing on the implementation program for the Inspectorate leading up to the 2024 general council election year.

Freedom of Information

The Inspectorate received and responded to one Freedom of Information (FOI) request in 2020–21. FOI requests are handled in accordance with guidelines and processes set down by the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC).

Gifts and donations

Our staff were offered and accepted one gift during this financial year. Incoming CMI Michael Stefanovic AM accepted flowers worth approximately $50 from the Australian Local Government Women’s Association Victoria. This gift and all other gifts for each financial year are recorded under a gifts register, available on our website.


Under the Public Administration Act 2004, the Inspectorate is an administrative office hosted by the Department of Justice and Community Safety and the Inspectorate uses corporate services, including finance, from the department. Financial information is incorporated into the Department of Justice and Community Safety’s 2020–21 Annual Report(opens in a new window).
