The role of the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator

The role of the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator during LGI enquiries and investigations

Friday, 7 August 2020 at 1:09 am

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act) encourages people to report improper conduct and detrimental action by protecting people who make disclosures and those who cooperate with investigations.

Employed by public sector agencies, Public Interest Disclosure Coordinators (PID Coordinators) are nominated to receive and notify the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) of potential public interest disclosures.

Changes to the PID Act mean the Inspectorate must notify the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) of the complaint and refer it to IBAC for assessment. After assessment, it can be referred back for investigation because the Chief Municipal Inspector is an investigating entity under the PID Act.

The Inspectorate has produced a fact sheet for PID Coordinators and relevant council staff detailing aspects of the PID process such as:

  • starting an investigation
  • maintaining confidentiality
  • discreetly responding to requests for information
  • ensuring people’s welfare
  • advising staff of their rights and obligations

Download the fact sheet or contact the Inspectorate for further information.

Information for PID coordinators
PDF 1.89 MB
(opens in a new window)
